26 August 2024

Release Notes

Release notes – July to September 2024

Here are the latest updates, additions, and information not to be missed on VORTEK Spaces!

What’s new? We tell you!

Wondering what are the latest additions to your library and where they are? Worry no more! With the latest update, you will get a “new” label on the categories that have been modified lately, letting you know where to look for the newest content.










Contact customer service directly from VORTEK Spaces

At VORTEK, we care about our users’ feedback. That’s why we’ve just launched the new Contact Support menu that allows you to communicate with us directly from the application. Whether you want to request new content, report a problem, or suggest a new feature, look for the Contact Support button within the app.








Make beautiful videos, now faster!

We updated the default settings for video recording, allowing you to get professional-looking videos, now twice as fast as before! 


New features highlighted

Dozens of new features are now presented in several new Pro tip animations available at https://vortekspaces.com/learn#pro-tips


Support: Three ways to reach us

  • Need quick support? Chat directly with one of our agents. If no one is online when you leave a message, rest assured, someone will get back to you as soon as possible. 
  • You can also write directly to support@vortekspaces.com
  • To speak directly to an agent, dial +1-844-986-7835


Please show us your projects!

Now is the time to shine! Please send us your most beautiful projects in VOK project. Our team will select specific projects, and among those received, we will take sequences of chosen projects and share them on our social media networks. This is an excellent opportunity to show everyone what you are capable of!

Please email us at à info@vortekspaces.com with the Subject My Spaces project.


Follow us to stay up-to-date!

We invite you to follow our social media pages to learn about the latest software updates, novelties, and market trends.

Update 04/09/2024 16:09 EST


Need more info? New project to undertake?

Great, would be happy to discuss with you !

Thank you

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